Hi all----I have a mystery about a coil car that I am seeking to solve with your help.
Back in 2000, I shot a brand-spanking-new CSXT Thrall coil car in mineral red, CSXT #496329.
(photo above copyright, Patrick Harris, 2013)
I didn’t recall seeing any of these mineral-red cars again after my time in Jackson, so I went to RRPictureArchives to see when/if they got repainted. Imagine my surprise when I found the exact same car #, but the car not only was painted in the more traditional blue and yellow of CSX coil cars, but was in fact now an NSC coil car:

Photo is courtesy of RRPicture Archives. See it on the site below:
A look at the page listing this number series (CSXT #4963XX) shows them all to be NSC cars.
Can anyone tell me if the mineral-red cars were returned to lessor, sold, or re-numbered to another series? It may not be a mystery to someone who knows, but it certainly is to me!