Saturday, September 1, 2012

IC Bulkhead Pulpwood/Log Cars

By the late 1980s, classic 'cord' pulpwood was fading. It was labor-intensive work, and rising labor costs drove pulpwood companies to ship entire tree trunks rather than cutting it into smaller sections that required a lot individual handling. One of the answers to this was to take existing bulkhead flat cars and add log cradles to them. Illinois Central (now CN) still serves a lot of pulpwood producers, so the IC supplemented its traditional pulpwood racks with cars like these. Note the straps ensuring that the longs don't rotate laterally and create a sideswipe danger.

IC #832786 bulkhead flat car with cradles for log service loaded IC Yard Jackson MS 04-00

IC #832946 bulkhead flat car with log cradles and load IC Yard Jackson MS 04-00

IC #832765 bulkhead flat car with log crades and load IC Yard Jackson MS 04-00


  1. I am no forest products person, but that looks like a really random collection of comparatively small logs. I wonder what they are to be used for.

  2. They are going to be turned into pulp for paper.
